Theme: Flexing your crown. Student leadership through an African-centered lens. 

Event Description: 

The Umoja Student Leadership Summitt (SLS) is a space to convene, train, and organize Umoja students to go forward and to assume their roles as leaders in their local programs and communities. Empowered by the James Baldwin quote, “Our crown has already been bought and paid for. All we have to do is wear it,” this year's SLS will be centered around the theme, Flexing your crown. Student leadership through an African-centered lens. Students will learn about African-Centered student leadership, discuss strategies for advocacy, and engage in conversation on how to support students in virtual environments and beyond. 

Event Goals:

  • Goal 1:  To develop shared-language and understanding related to African-Cultural concepts  
  • Goal 2: To develop students leadership capabilities through an African-Centered lens 

Event Outcomes: As a result of participating in this event, students will be able to:  

  • 1.1 - Understand and articulate at least 2 African-Centered leadership concepts  
  • 1.2 - Identify distinctions between western forms of leadership and African-Centered leadership  
  • 2.1 - Identify at least three African-Centered leadership practices that they can incorporate.    
  • 2.2 - Articulate at least two ways that they can practice balance/self-care while still being leaders 


  • February 8, 2021: Pre-Registration Closes
  • February 16, 2021: Late Registration closes



Theme: “Wear Your Own Crown: What Does African-Centered, Student Leadership Look Like?” 


8:45 AM 

Prelude: Greeting & Grooving 

9:00 AM 

Call to order 

9:05 AM 

Opening Ritual - Libation  

9:15 AM 


Intentions & Goals of the Day 

Introduction of Guest Facilitators 

9:30 – 11:30 AM 

Virtual Teach In: David Turner & Jamelle Fortune-Turner 

11:30 – 12:30 PM 

Networking Lunch 

  • Breakout rooms discussions led by UC Umoja Ambassadors 

12:30 PM 


Prize Giveaway 

12:45 – 2:00 PM 

Breakout Sessions (75 min) 

  1. Student Leadership Advocacy Past-Present-Future – Katrina King, Dominique Beaumonte & Tanara Haynes  

  1. Balancing Life & Leadership - NaTisha Hutson, Dr. Antonio Banks    

  1. The Process of Creating and Implementing Black Student Demands (For Umoja Club or BSU Leaders) - Jonathan Henderson, Myia Williams  

  1. Creating and Leading Black Student Organizations (For Umoja Club or BSU Leaders) - Dr. Trelisa Glazatov, Dr. Jahvry Bailous 

2:10 PM 

Understanding the Evolutionary Process of Being A Student Leader – Nzingha Dugas 

3:00 PM 

Closing Remarks – Release the Ancestors