Friday, March 14, 2025
Welcome to Chaffey College -- Aman/Awoman Program
This project is a culturally responsive approach to reaching students and providing an environment to survive and thrive. This project is specifically targeted to address the retention, persistence, and success of African-American students. Exclusive, it is not. Students from a diverse, wide-range of varied backgrounds are participants in the project. The overall goal is to help students progress toward their success.
What are the benefits of the program:
- Connection with others students, counselors, faculty, staff, mentors, and supporters to provide help where needed.
- Two Counselors ( Umoja Student Leaders, Umoja Club, Umoja Study Vibe)
- Building relationships and enhancing opportunities that positively affect school work, employment, and life choices.
- Information center to share on-going activities, events, and services.
- Person to Person and Team Encouragement and Support.
- “Go-to-Place” for college life related concerns.
- Consortium Member of Statewide UMOJA (Kiswahili word for unity) community
- Umoja Supported Classes – ( Communications, Biology , Political Science, Business Law, English 1B, Guidance, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Business Marketing )
For more information, visit our website.
Upcoming Events
Friday, April 4, 2025
Our Location
5885 Haven Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737
Brent McLaren
Charles Williams
Region 5