August 1-3, 2019
We are pleased to announce Umoja’s 2nd Annual Student Leadership Summit. We are inviting each Umoja Program to send five student leaders and one advisor who commits to working with these students next academic year to our summit. This is a free event.
We are excited to convene, train, and organize our student leaders to go forward to make great contributions to their local programs and the broader campus environment for African American students this coming academic year. The summit will provide historically and culturally grounded leadership training. Umoja student leaders will also be featured prominently in next years' Umoja events and receive ongoing training provided by Umoja throughout the year.
Join us as we organize 300 empowered African American student leaders to make a significant impact on Black achievement in our system. Once we take this step together, there is no stopping us, so please mobilize your team to attend this first annual summit.
Schools can send up to five students and one faculty advisor to the Student Leadership Institute. Please register each student and include their names and email addresses as well as any dietary or ADA accommodations that are needed. These students will then be included in the confirmation email.
Cost: Registration is free and includes lodging and meals, and some funds for travel.
Email general questions to