The Umoja Community Education Foundation has a longstanding partnership with the California Community Colleges Transfer Guarantee Agreement to Historically Black Colleges & Universities initiative. Below are resources to aid students who are interested in transferring to HBCUs.
Please note the upcoming webinars:
Click HERE to view the flier.
Counseling Division Virtual Counseling In-service Training
A 1 ½ hour in-service training is available to Counseling Divisions via ConferZoom, which provides information about the partner schools, components of the program and counselors guidelines. Please contact Helen Young – Project Director – hyoung@elcamino.edu to set-up a date and time.
CCC to HBCU Fall 2020 Caravan
This fall we will host our 4th annual CCC to HBCU Caravan taking place on October 25th, 2020 visiting California Community Colleges throughout the state with our HBCU Partner Institutions! Information sessions were held in February and March for colleges who had an interest in being a host site for the upcoming fall 2020 caravan. The list below is the schools that have submitted official emails to our team indicating an interest to host.
Join the State-Wide Listserv
Join the program’s statewide listserv, which keeps you informed about events, activities and other important information about the CCC Transfer Guarantee to HBCU project. The listserv titled “HBCUTRANSFERPROJECT” is available for counselors, transfer staff, students and other interested individuals. Keep in in touch with us– here is the link to join: http://listserv.cccnext.net/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=HBCUTRANSFERPROJECT
CCC to HBCU 2019-20 Webinars Series Available to View!
This academic year we were pleased to offer a series of webinar sessions highlighting various academic programs and majors featuring our HBCU partner schools. If you missed any of these webinars or would like to review a topic you will find the links below to the recorded session! You may find these recordings useful to share with students in a counseling course which last no more than hour and a half.
Where to Find Program Information & Materials
Counselors, you will find information about the transfer program, content for each of the partner’s school and downloadable resources on the Transfer Counselor Website (TCW) as you assist students https://ccctransfer.org/hbcu/. Students interested in the transfer agreement should be directed to the A Degree with a Guarantee website -https://adegreewithaguarantee.com/en-us/List-Colleges , where a list of the partner schools can be downloaded with website links. Please visit our new social media sites at the following: Following us @ccctransfer2hbcu on Facebook and Instagram.
Counselor Forms
The support and assistance of the counseling faculty and transfer center programs in using and submitting the Counselor Verification Form is essential for the program. First, please use the Counselor Guideline Sheet when meeting with a student and review transcripts to ensure they meet the program requirements. Once you have confirmed the student meets the requirements of a 2.5 GPA or higher and at least 30 UC/CSU transferable units. Provide the student with the bottom part of the Counselor Guideline sheet, which has the promo code. The promo code allows the student to apply up to four of participating HBCU partner schools using the free Common Black College Application! Forms are sent out via the Transfer Center Director and Counseling statewide listserv (Samples below). If you would like the forms sent to you please email Helen Young at hyoung@elcamino.edu .